In the middle of snowmageddon I decided to go window shopping – for a boat.
A RHIB boat for cruising around the islands at our cottage is the goal for my profit account in 2024.
With our budget in mind we started doing a bit of reconnaissance.
I came across a number of boats that suited our wants and price point and came across this sign promoting financing at $77 bi-weekly!

New year, new you? How about, “Hey Girl, let’s ease ourselves into this New Year by celebrating how awesome you are!”
Nope, in January I am constantly being told I am not thin enough, fit enough, what I should be eating, what I should or should not be drinking, my business isn’t successful enough, I need to 5X my income and of course I need to get better with my money.
Jesh! The new year has barely started and I am already feeling overwhelmed! I’m quite frankly not done celebrating my successes from the past year and now I am supposed to hunker down and be even better! In January, the bleakest, darkest, coldest month of the year?
Don’t get me wrong, I am all about personal and professional development. I have read two books already this year, thank you very much! I am definitely interested in growing as a person but on my own terms and certainly not in January.
Maybe it is because I offer the same boring and essential skills for business owners every year: bookkeeping and financial systems that work, that I don’t feel the need to participate in the January self-help feeding frenzy. I help my clients all year long.
Maybe it is because I know my financial systems are proven to work in the good times and the challenging times. A few tweaks here and there and you are good to go for another year of working the plan!
I guess that’s why I love what I do and why I keep doing the same thing every year. Like my business finances, when I find a good system for my health, wellness, relationships if it works I stick with it!
I have always lived my life in moderation. Balance gives me peace of mind. To some that may be boring, to me it gives me solid ground in an ever shifting world. It also brings me joy and I have been known to have a good time or two!
Now, I am “supposed” to give you a CTA (call to action) so here it is.
This month take time to remind yourself of how awesome you are. A few tweaks here and there, maybe, but otherwise you got this!
And if you want a full overhaul of your life – go for it, whenever you are ready and on your terms – it does not have to be in January 😊