Today is the solar eclipse and the perfect time to let go of past beliefs about money that aren’t serving you.
We all have our money stories.
Usually they have been passed down to us by our parents or those we are close to.
We don’t talk about money with our friends.
We don’t learn about money in school.
For most of us our “money educators” are institutions who profit from our ignorance – hello MasterCard!
Money Stress is the number one reason for relationship breakdown
Lack of financial skills are in the top 4 reasons why most businesses fail in the first 5 years.
So, tell me how are our money beliefs serving us?
Statistically speaking they aren’t!
If you know you are meant to live a life of abundance.
If you want to re-write your money story.
Today, before the eclipse happens, take out a piece of paper and write down all the beliefs you have about money that are holding you back.The people who have made you play small with your finances because of their own scarcity mindset. Maybe it is an ex who told you, “you’re bad with money” or a bookkeeper who messed up your books (my story). Let them go.
The stories you have told yourself about money, ie wealthy people are greedy. Release them.
Let go of the places that make you feel anxious about money. Banks and financial institutions, bye, bye.
Today, leave behind everything you learned to settle for with your finances.
Let it all go. Burn the paper if you want to!
Money is not math, it is emotional. It is time to release your fear around it.